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Represents a table extractor for extracting tables from a document.


__init__(self, text_ocr, spellchecker=None, device=None, model_dir=None, root='/home/docs/.pix2text', structure_thresholds=None, table_expansion_margin=10, threshold_percentage=0.1, **kwargs) special

Initialize an TableDataExtractor object.

Source code in pix2text/
def __init__(
    text_ocr: TextOcrEngine,
    device: str = None,
    model_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
    root: Union[str, Path] = data_dir(),
    Initialize an TableDataExtractor object.
    self.text_ocr = text_ocr
    self.spellchecker = spellchecker

    self.str_device = select_device(device)
    self.str_class_name2idx = get_class_map('structure')
    self.str_class_idx2name = {v: k for k, v in self.str_class_name2idx.items()}
    self.str_class_thresholds = structure_thresholds or DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_THRESHOLDS

    if model_dir is None:
        model_dir = self._prepare_model_files(root, None)
    # Initialize the model for identifying table structures
    self.str_model = AutoModelForObjectDetection.from_pretrained(model_dir).to(

    # Expand the bounding box slightly for better cropping
    self._table_expansion_margin = table_expansion_margin

    # Use a percentage (e.g., 10%) of the average height as the threshold for a new row
    self._threshold_percentage = threshold_percentage
    self.test = []
recognize(self, img, tokens=None, out_objects=False, out_cells=True, out_html=False, out_csv=False, out_markdown=True, **kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
img required
tokens None
out_objects False
out_cells True
out_html False
out_csv False
out_markdown True
  • save_analysis_res (str): Save the parsed result image in this file; default value is None, which means not to save
Source code in pix2text/
def recognize(
) -> Dict[str, Any]:

        img ():
        tokens ():
        out_objects ():
        out_cells ():
        out_html ():
        out_csv ():
        out_markdown ():
        **kwargs ():

            * save_analysis_res (str): Save the parsed result image in this file; default value is `None`, which means not to save


    out_formats = {}
    if self.str_model is None:
        print("No structure model loaded.")
        return out_formats

    if not (out_objects or out_cells or out_html or out_csv):
        print("No output format specified")
        return out_formats

    if isinstance(img, (str, Path)):
        img = read_img(img, return_type='Image')
    # Transform the image how the model expects it
    img_tensor = structure_transform(img)

    # Run input image through the model
    with torch.no_grad():
        outputs = self.str_model(img_tensor.unsqueeze(0).to(self.str_device))

    # Post-process detected objects, assign class labels
    objects = outputs_to_objects(outputs, img.size, self.str_class_idx2name)
    if out_objects:
        out_formats['objects'] = objects
    if not (out_cells or out_html or out_csv):
        return out_formats

    # Further process the detected objects so they correspond to a consistent table
    tokens = tokens or []
    tables_structure = objects_to_structures(
        objects, tokens, self.str_class_thresholds

    # Enumerate all table cells: grid cells and spanning cells
    tables_cells = [
        structure_to_cells(structure, tokens)[0] for structure in tables_structure
    for cells in tables_cells:
        self._ocr_texts(img, cells)
    if out_cells:
        out_formats['cells'] = tables_cells
        if kwargs.get('save_analysis_res'):
            visualize_cells(img, tables_cells[0], kwargs['save_analysis_res'])

    if not (out_html or out_csv):
        return out_formats

    # Convert cells to HTML
    if out_html:
        tables_htmls = [cells_to_html(cells) for cells in tables_cells]
        out_formats['html'] = tables_htmls

    # Convert cells to CSV, including flattening multi-row column headers to a single row
    if out_csv:
        tables_csvs = [cells_to_csv(cells) for cells in tables_cells]
        out_formats['csv'] = tables_csvs

    if out_markdown:
        tables_mds = [cells_to_markdown(cells) for cells in tables_cells]
        out_formats['markdown'] = tables_mds

    return out_formats


align_headers(headers, rows)

Adjust the header boundary to be the convex hull of the rows it intersects at least 50% of the height of.

For now, we are not supporting tables with multiple headers, so we need to eliminate anything besides the top-most header.

Source code in pix2text/
def align_headers(headers, rows):
    Adjust the header boundary to be the convex hull of the rows it intersects
    at least 50% of the height of.

    For now, we are not supporting tables with multiple headers, so we need to
    eliminate anything besides the top-most header.

    aligned_headers = []

    for row in rows:
        row['column header'] = False

    header_row_nums = []
    for header in headers:
        for row_num, row in enumerate(rows):
            row_height = row['bbox'][3] - row['bbox'][1]
            min_row_overlap = max(row['bbox'][1], header['bbox'][1])
            max_row_overlap = min(row['bbox'][3], header['bbox'][3])
            overlap_height = max_row_overlap - min_row_overlap
            if overlap_height / row_height >= 0.5:

    if len(header_row_nums) == 0:
        return aligned_headers

    header_rect = Rect()
    if header_row_nums[0] > 0:
        header_row_nums = list(range(header_row_nums[0] + 1)) + header_row_nums

    last_row_num = -1
    for row_num in header_row_nums:
        if row_num == last_row_num + 1:
            row = rows[row_num]
            row['column header'] = True
            header_rect = header_rect.include_rect(row['bbox'])
            last_row_num = row_num
            # Break as soon as a non-header row is encountered.
            # This ignores any subsequent rows in the table labeled as a header.
            # Having more than 1 header is not supported currently.

    header = {'bbox': list(header_rect)}

    return aligned_headers


将XML ElementTree对象转换为Markdown格式的表格。


Name Type Description Default
etree xml.etree.ElementTree.Element




Type Description


Source code in pix2text/
def etree_to_markdown_table(etree):
    将XML ElementTree对象转换为Markdown格式的表格。

        etree (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): XML表格的根元素。

        str: Markdown格式的表格字符串。
    if etree.tag != 'table':
        return "Invalid XML input: root element is not a table."

    markdown_table = []
    headers = [th.text for th in etree.findall('.//th')]

    if headers:
        markdown_table.append("| " + " | ".join(headers) + " |")
        markdown_table.append("| " + " | ".join(["---"] * len(headers)) + " |")

    rows = etree.findall('.//tr')
    if rows:
        for row in rows:
            cells = [td.text.replace('\n', ' ') for td in row.findall('td')]
            if not cells:
            markdown_table.append("| " + " | ".join(cells) + " |")
        return "Invalid XML input: no rows found."

    return "\n".join(markdown_table)

iob(bbox1, bbox2)

Compute the intersection area over box area, for bbox1.

Source code in pix2text/
def iob(bbox1, bbox2):
    Compute the intersection area over box area, for bbox1.
    intersection = Rect(bbox1).intersect(bbox2)

    bbox1_area = Rect(bbox1).get_area()
    if bbox1_area > 0:
        return intersection.get_area() / bbox1_area

    return 0

objects_to_crops(img, tokens, objects, class_thresholds, padding=10)

Process the bounding boxes produced by the table detection model into cropped table images and cropped tokens.

Source code in pix2text/
def objects_to_crops(img, tokens, objects, class_thresholds, padding=10):
    Process the bounding boxes produced by the table detection model into
    cropped table images and cropped tokens.

    table_crops = []
    for obj in objects:
        if obj['score'] < class_thresholds[obj['label']]:

        cropped_table = {}

        bbox = obj['bbox']
        bbox = [
            bbox[0] - padding,
            bbox[1] - padding,
            bbox[2] + padding,
            bbox[3] + padding,

        cropped_img = img.crop(bbox)

        table_tokens = [token for token in tokens if iob(token['bbox'], bbox) >= 0.5]
        for token in table_tokens:
            token['bbox'] = [
                token['bbox'][0] - bbox[0],
                token['bbox'][1] - bbox[1],
                token['bbox'][2] - bbox[0],
                token['bbox'][3] - bbox[1],

        # If table is predicted to be rotated, rotate cropped image and tokens/words:
        if obj['label'] == 'table rotated':
            cropped_img = cropped_img.rotate(270, expand=True)
            for token in table_tokens:
                bbox = token['bbox']
                bbox = [
                    cropped_img.size[0] - bbox[3] - 1,
                    cropped_img.size[0] - bbox[1] - 1,
                token['bbox'] = bbox

        cropped_table['image'] = cropped_img
        cropped_table['tokens'] = table_tokens


    return table_crops

objects_to_structures(objects, tokens, class_thresholds)

Process the bounding boxes produced by the table structure recognition model into a consistent set of table structures (rows, columns, spanning cells, headers). This entails resolving conflicts/overlaps, and ensuring the boxes meet certain alignment conditions (for example: rows should all have the same width, etc.).

Source code in pix2text/
def objects_to_structures(objects, tokens, class_thresholds):
    Process the bounding boxes produced by the table structure recognition model into
    a *consistent* set of table structures (rows, columns, spanning cells, headers).
    This entails resolving conflicts/overlaps, and ensuring the boxes meet certain alignment
    conditions (for example: rows should all have the same width, etc.).

    tables = [obj for obj in objects if obj['label'] == 'table']
    table_structures = []

    for table in tables:
        table_objects = [
            obj for obj in objects if iob(obj['bbox'], table['bbox']) >= 0.5
        table_tokens = [
            token for token in tokens if iob(token['bbox'], table['bbox']) >= 0.5

        structure = {}

        columns = [obj for obj in table_objects if obj['label'] == 'table column']
        rows = [obj for obj in table_objects if obj['label'] == 'table row']
        column_headers = [
            obj for obj in table_objects if obj['label'] == 'table column header'
        spanning_cells = [
            obj for obj in table_objects if obj['label'] == 'table spanning cell'
        for obj in spanning_cells:
            obj['projected row header'] = False
        projected_row_headers = [
            obj for obj in table_objects if obj['label'] == 'table projected row header'
        for obj in projected_row_headers:
            obj['projected row header'] = True
        spanning_cells += projected_row_headers
        for obj in rows:
            obj['column header'] = False
            for header_obj in column_headers:
                if iob(obj['bbox'], header_obj['bbox']) >= 0.5:
                    obj['column header'] = True

        # Refine table structures
        rows = postprocess.refine_rows(
            rows, table_tokens, class_thresholds['table row']
        columns = postprocess.refine_columns(
            columns, table_tokens, class_thresholds['table column']

        # Shrink table bbox to just the total height of the rows
        # and the total width of the columns
        row_rect = Rect()
        for obj in rows:
        column_rect = Rect()
        for obj in columns:
        table['row_column_bbox'] = [
        table['bbox'] = table['row_column_bbox']

        # Process the rows and columns into a complete segmented table
        columns = postprocess.align_columns(columns, table['row_column_bbox'])
        rows = postprocess.align_rows(rows, table['row_column_bbox'])

        structure['rows'] = rows
        structure['columns'] = columns
        structure['column headers'] = column_headers
        structure['spanning cells'] = spanning_cells

        if len(rows) > 0 and len(columns) > 1:
            structure = refine_table_structure(structure, class_thresholds)


    return table_structures

refine_table_structure(table_structure, class_thresholds)

Apply operations to the detected table structure objects such as thresholding, NMS, and alignment.

Source code in pix2text/
def refine_table_structure(table_structure, class_thresholds):
    Apply operations to the detected table structure objects such as
    thresholding, NMS, and alignment.
    rows = table_structure["rows"]
    columns = table_structure['columns']

    # Process the headers
    column_headers = table_structure['column headers']
    column_headers = postprocess.apply_threshold(
        column_headers, class_thresholds["table column header"]
    column_headers = postprocess.nms(column_headers)
    column_headers = align_headers(column_headers, rows)

    # Process spanning cells
    spanning_cells = [
        for elem in table_structure['spanning cells']
        if not elem['projected row header']
    projected_row_headers = [
        for elem in table_structure['spanning cells']
        if elem['projected row header']
    spanning_cells = postprocess.apply_threshold(
        spanning_cells, class_thresholds["table spanning cell"]
    projected_row_headers = postprocess.apply_threshold(
        projected_row_headers, class_thresholds["table projected row header"]
    spanning_cells += projected_row_headers
    # Align before NMS for spanning cells because alignment brings them into agreement
    # with rows and columns first; if spanning cells still overlap after this operation,
    # the threshold for NMS can basically be lowered to just above 0
    spanning_cells = postprocess.align_supercells(spanning_cells, rows, columns)
    spanning_cells = postprocess.nms_supercells(spanning_cells)


    table_structure['columns'] = columns
    table_structure['rows'] = rows
    table_structure['spanning cells'] = spanning_cells
    table_structure['column headers'] = column_headers

    return table_structure

structure_to_cells(table_structure, tokens)

Assuming the row, column, spanning cell, and header bounding boxes have been refined into a set of consistent table structures, process these table structures into table cells. This is a universal representation format for the table, which can later be exported to Pandas or CSV formats. Classify the cells as header/access cells or data cells based on if they intersect with the header bounding box.

Source code in pix2text/
def structure_to_cells(table_structure, tokens):
    Assuming the row, column, spanning cell, and header bounding boxes have
    been refined into a set of consistent table structures, process these
    table structures into table cells. This is a universal representation
    format for the table, which can later be exported to Pandas or CSV formats.
    Classify the cells as header/access cells or data cells
    based on if they intersect with the header bounding box.
    columns = table_structure['columns']
    rows = table_structure['rows']
    spanning_cells = table_structure['spanning cells']
    cells = []
    subcells = []

    # Identify complete cells and subcells
    for column_num, column in enumerate(columns):
        for row_num, row in enumerate(rows):
            column_rect = Rect(list(column['bbox']))
            row_rect = Rect(list(row['bbox']))
            cell_rect = row_rect.intersect(column_rect)
            header = 'column header' in row and row['column header']
            cell = {
                'bbox': list(cell_rect),
                'column_nums': [column_num],
                'row_nums': [row_num],
                'column header': header,

            cell['subcell'] = False
            for spanning_cell in spanning_cells:
                spanning_cell_rect = Rect(list(spanning_cell['bbox']))
                if (
                    / cell_rect.get_area()
                ) > 0.5:
                    cell['subcell'] = True

            if cell['subcell']:
                # cell text = extract_text_inside_bbox(table_spans, cell['bbox'])
                # cell['cell text'] = cell text
                cell['projected row header'] = False

    for spanning_cell in spanning_cells:
        spanning_cell_rect = Rect(list(spanning_cell['bbox']))
        cell_columns = set()
        cell_rows = set()
        cell_rect = None
        header = True
        for subcell in subcells:
            subcell_rect = Rect(list(subcell['bbox']))
            subcell_rect_area = subcell_rect.get_area()
            if (
                / subcell_rect_area
            ) > 0.5:
                if cell_rect is None:
                    cell_rect = Rect(list(subcell['bbox']))
                cell_rows = cell_rows.union(set(subcell['row_nums']))
                cell_columns = cell_columns.union(set(subcell['column_nums']))
                # By convention here, all subcells must be classified
                # as header cells for a spanning cell to be classified as a header cell;
                # otherwise, this could lead to a non-rectangular header region
                header = (
                    header and 'column header' in subcell and subcell['column header']
        if len(cell_rows) > 0 and len(cell_columns) > 0:
            cell = {
                'bbox': list(cell_rect),
                'column_nums': list(cell_columns),
                'row_nums': list(cell_rows),
                'column header': header,
                'projected row header': spanning_cell['projected row header'],

    # Compute a confidence score based on how well the page tokens
    # slot into the cells reported by the model
    _, _, cell_match_scores = postprocess.slot_into_containers(cells, tokens)
        mean_match_score = sum(cell_match_scores) / len(cell_match_scores)
        min_match_score = min(cell_match_scores)
        confidence_score = (mean_match_score + min_match_score) / 2
        confidence_score = 0

    # Dilate rows and columns before final extraction
    # dilated_columns = fill_column_gaps(columns, table_bbox)
    dilated_columns = columns
    # dilated_rows = fill_row_gaps(rows, table_bbox)
    dilated_rows = rows
    for cell in cells:
        column_rect = Rect()
        for column_num in cell['column_nums']:
        row_rect = Rect()
        for row_num in cell['row_nums']:
        cell_rect = column_rect.intersect(row_rect)
        cell['bbox'] = list(cell_rect)

    span_nums_by_cell, _, _ = postprocess.slot_into_containers(

    for cell, cell_span_nums in zip(cells, span_nums_by_cell):
        cell_spans = [tokens[num] for num in cell_span_nums]
        # TODO: Refine how text is extracted; should be character-based, not span-based;
        # but need to associate
        cell['cell text'] = postprocess.extract_text_from_spans(
            cell_spans, remove_integer_superscripts=False
        cell['spans'] = cell_spans

    # Adjust the row, column, and cell bounding boxes to reflect the extracted text
    num_rows = len(rows)
    rows = postprocess.sort_objects_top_to_bottom(rows)
    num_columns = len(columns)
    columns = postprocess.sort_objects_left_to_right(columns)
    min_y_values_by_row = defaultdict(list)
    max_y_values_by_row = defaultdict(list)
    min_x_values_by_column = defaultdict(list)
    max_x_values_by_column = defaultdict(list)
    for cell in cells:
        min_row = min(cell["row_nums"])
        max_row = max(cell["row_nums"])
        min_column = min(cell["column_nums"])
        max_column = max(cell["column_nums"])
        for span in cell['spans']:
    for row_num, row in enumerate(rows):
        if len(min_x_values_by_column[0]) > 0:
            row['bbox'][0] = min(min_x_values_by_column[0])
        if len(min_y_values_by_row[row_num]) > 0:
            row['bbox'][1] = min(min_y_values_by_row[row_num])
        if len(max_x_values_by_column[num_columns - 1]) > 0:
            row['bbox'][2] = max(max_x_values_by_column[num_columns - 1])
        if len(max_y_values_by_row[row_num]) > 0:
            row['bbox'][3] = max(max_y_values_by_row[row_num])
    for column_num, column in enumerate(columns):
        if len(min_x_values_by_column[column_num]) > 0:
            column['bbox'][0] = min(min_x_values_by_column[column_num])
        if len(min_y_values_by_row[0]) > 0:
            column['bbox'][1] = min(min_y_values_by_row[0])
        if len(max_x_values_by_column[column_num]) > 0:
            column['bbox'][2] = max(max_x_values_by_column[column_num])
        if len(max_y_values_by_row[num_rows - 1]) > 0:
            column['bbox'][3] = max(max_y_values_by_row[num_rows - 1])
    for cell in cells:
        row_rect = Rect()
        column_rect = Rect()
        for row_num in cell['row_nums']:
        for column_num in cell['column_nums']:
        cell_rect = row_rect.intersect(column_rect)
        if cell_rect.get_area() > 0:
            cell['bbox'] = list(cell_rect)

    return cells, confidence_score